Sunday, October 6, 2013

Devin and Nicole with us in Idaho

July is the perfect time to be in Idaho.  The weather is beautiful and we love to play outside at Nana and Grandpa's house.  We were able to be there with Devin and Nicole.  It was fun to have cousins there with us.

When the whimpy air filled swimming pool was a flop Grandpa took things in his own hands.  He brought in an old fertilizer tank (that he had rinsed several times and hadn't used for fertilizer for years!).  It help water much better than the little store bought pool, but that much hose water is very, very cold.  There was NO swimming that happened in the tank-only jumping in and quick jumping OUT and running to the hot tub.  But they did it over and over!

Synchronized jumping!
Zach dips his toes in and decides this is a bad idea.
Grandpa helps his get to the hot tub quickly after dunking him in the freezing water.

Tirzah and Teddy are spared the cold water and instead play with the cat.

An Idaho annual event is the climbing of the Butte.  Here is the before picture of our crew.
Grandpa helps Brynlee up the rocks.
Jacob is the pack mule for Tirzah.
These three could run up and down three times before the rest of us made it to the top.  They love this rock tower.

Zach would like to run with Olivia, Rylie and Mason, but his is just a little too small.  Maybe next year he will be fast enough for their group.  He can still make the awesome king of the tower pose like Olivia though.
These two made it to the top together.
Zach was so excited to have someone his own size to play with at Nana and Grandpa's house.  He wanted to do everything with Brynlee.

Devin and Teddy have a water break at the top.
Grandpa brought snacks!!!

I am looking a little pregnant, but can still climb the Butte like a pro.

Zach's best friend.

Bailey would like Teddy to share his treats with her.

Our last meal together was bambinos with the missionaries.  We even shared with them!!
These cut-outs are kept in the living room and it takes a day or two to get used to walking into the room and seeing them there.  It was a little scary to see someone standing there at first.  I asked if they even miss Carson and Tanner because they still see them everyday.  They said yes, these boys are much too quiet to take the real life Carson and Tanner's places.

1 comment:

Ani B said...

Fun times at the Gneiting Homestead!