Sunday, October 6, 2013

Emily and Abbie

When Aunt Robyn was able to plan a trip to England to visit her sister and tour I volunteered to help watch her kids while she was gone.  Matt and Derek had baseball and needed to stay in Utah, but the girls were free and came to stay with us.  We just happened to be in Idaho a few days before Robyn left and so brought Abbie and Emily back to North Dakota with us and kept them for three weeks.  Then we just happened to be going back to Idaho for another visit a couple days after Robyn arrived back home.  The timing was so perfect and the kids were excited to have cousins come play.  Jacob was at military training most of the time our cousins were at our house. The kids were all so good and they entertained each other so well it wasn't even hard to have 6 kids by myself for most of the time.
Rylie, Mason, Abbie and Emily all went to an art camp for one of the weeks.  They made these great suitcases to hold all their projects.  They did some painting, sculpting, and other great projects that they were so proud of.
Tirzah insisted she get her own picture!
We had Friday movie and popcorn night with our cousins.
Rylie and Emily happened to have the same shirts and they had a twin day.